Support Your Local Michigan Coffee Roaster

The exterior of Madcap Coffee in Grand Rapids, Michigan, showing glass windows with their logo and white outdoor tables and chairs in front

A couple of days ago my brother-in-law texted to ask me from whom he should buy coffee. He wanted to support local, independent roasters struggling to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic.

So, I had a think. There are the obvious places, but I wanted to give some options. I sent a few ideas over, but told him that the list could be much longer.

“Maybe that’s a blog post?” he responded.

So here we are.

Introducing: Support Your Local Michigan Coffee Roaster

Before we begin, I want to point out that this list is not exhaustive, and it’s based solely upon my own experience.

There are a lot of coffee roasters in this state, and I haven’t tried them all. So I’m sticking with what I know, what I feel safe recommending, and what I’m sure is good.

One day I’ll make a whole map of Michigan coffee shops and roasters, but who has the time.

Therefore, in no particular order:

Hyperion Coffee Co. - Ypsilanti

A bag of Hyperion Coffee Co. coffee, held up to the camera

My favorite.

I’ve never had a bad coffee from them, they’re extremely helpful whenever I’ve had questions, and hey they do free shipping.

Espy Coffee - Detroit

My friend Sam’s new venture after the sad demise of Mockingbird. Sam and Peter (S&P, espy, geddit?) roast out of Anthology’s space and work very hard to source interesting and unique coffees from farmers doing innovative things with processing.

If you’d like to read more about Sam, check out my interviews with him for Fresh Cup pre- and post-Mockingbird.

Oh, and speaking of Anthology…

Anthology Coffee - Detroit

The best espresso I’ve had in the past year came from here.

I also appreciate their incredibly straightforward website—you want coffee? Great here you go. Subscription? We can do that. Anything else? No.

Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters - Detroit, Rochester, Royal Oak

I frequented Dessert Oasis’ Royal Oak location while working for Cinetopia Film Festival last year, and I have to say their oat milk cortados saved me.

Milan Coffee Works - Milan

No, not that Milan.

Read more about Milan Coffee Works in this piece I wrote back in January for Edible Wow.

They also supply coffee to Vertex, one of my favorite Ann Arbor cafes, so that’s another reason to support them.

Great Lakes Coffee Roasters - Detroit, Bloomfield Hills, Royal Oak

(Full disclosure: I have done some writing for Great Lakes.)

Their location in Midtown was the first Detroit coffee shop I ever visited, so they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Madcap Coffee Company - Grand Rapids, Detroit

If nothing else, you have to admit that Madcap’s design is beautiful. Simple, elegant, consistent.

Oh, and the coffee is tasty too.

A shot of Blk\Mrkt’s cafe in Traverse City, featuring an espresso machine and grinders sitting atop a wooden bar

BLK\MRKT - Traverse City

One of the most beautiful cafes in Michigan (if not the US), this place also roasts some great coffee. I would go back to Traverse City just to visit them again.

Higher Grounds Coffee - Traverse City

Another Traverse City roaster (they’ve got some cool coffee companies up north, y’know) and one that’s trying to make a real difference through coffee.

They’re a B Corp, they deliver coffee year-round by bicycle, and they’ve been doing the zero waste thing since way before it was cool (although, see here for an examination of zero waste in coffee and how it’s not always the best thing for everyone).

Also their cafe is in the grounds of a repurposed mental asylum, which in itself is reason to visit.

That’s all I’ve got for today. I may update this list if it turns out I’ve forgotten anyone.

Buy coffee from these folks, buy coffee from your local roaster, find a coffee shop GoFundMe to support, and help the specialty coffee industry survive.

Now, wash your hands.

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